by Michele Reid, MS | Sep 9, 2019 | Emotional Intelligence, ENFP, ESFP, Extraverts, Feeling, INFJ, INFP, Introverts, Intuition, ISFJ, ISFP, Judging, Live Events, MBTI, Parenting, Perceiving, Perceiving, Personality Type, Relationships, Seminar, Sensing, Thinking, Uncategorized, Workshops, Youth
Tips for Parenting Children Who Prefer Feeling Tips for Parenting Children Who Prefer Thinking Parenting Based On Personality Type What you need to know & do to support the child that makes decisions through the Feeling preference According to Carl Jung, father of...
by Michele Reid, MS | Mar 4, 2019 | Emotional Intelligence, ESFP, ESTJ, Extraverts, Feeling, Introverts, ISFJ, ISFP, ISTJ, ISTP, Judging, Live Events, MBTI, Parenting, Perceiving, Perceiving, Personality Type, Relationships, Seminar, Sensing, Thinking, Uncategorized, Workshops, Youth
Tips for Parenting Children Who Prefer Sensing Tips for Parenting Children Who Prefer
Sensing Parenting Based On Personality Type What you need to know & do to support the child that takes in information through sensing. According to Carl Jung, father of...
by Michele Reid, MS | Nov 5, 2018 | Emotional Intelligence, ENFP, ENTP, ESFP, ESTJ, Extraverts, Feeling, Intuition, Judging, Live Events, MBTI, Parenting, Perceiving, Perceiving, Personality Type, Relationships, Seminar, Sensing, Thinking, Uncategorized, Workshops, Youth
Tips for Parenting The Extraverted Child Tips for Parenting The Extraverted Child Parenting Based On Personality Type The Extravert Child: May need something active after sitting all day at school. Don’t make them do homework right after school. Set homework time for...
by Michele Reid, MS | Sep 3, 2018 | ENFP, ENTP, ESFP, ESTJ, Extraverts, Feeling, INFJ, INFP, INTJ, Introverts, Intuition, ISFJ, ISFP, ISTJ, ISTP, Judging, MBTI, Parenting, Perceiving, Perceiving, Personality Type, Relationships, Sensing, Thinking, Youth
Using MBTI® Type to Foster Individual Development Using MBTI® Type to Foster Individual Development Remember: While every type has its unique combination of assets, each is also subject to a downside due to potential overuse or rigidity. Continue to leverage your...
by Michele Reid, MS | May 7, 2018 | ESFP, Introverts, ISFJ, ISTJ, Judging, MBTI, Parenting, Personality Type, Relationships, Sensing, Thinking, Uncategorized, Youth
Introverted Sensing Personality Type Introverted Sensing Personality Type: Si The function when we are focusing our attention on remembering, using our 5 senses. Not in real-time. Amazingly skilled at recalling details. For example: Listening to a dog bark. When our...
by Michele Reid, MS | Mar 5, 2018 | ESFP, Extraverts, Feeling, MBTI, Parenting, Perceiving, Perceiving, Personality Type, Relationships, Sensing, Uncategorized, Youth
Extraverted Sensing: Se Extraverted Sensing: Se ESTP ESFP “WHAT IS” The function when we are focusing our attention on the real & present world, using our 5 senses. For example: Listening to a dog bark. When our brain focuses on the sound of the dog barking, it is...