I had the honor of witnessing grit, courage, passion, and leadership this week at the NSBA Worlds Horse Show. At 22 years old, Holly acts as the trainer, groomer, and handler for her four horses. This is a job for more than one person in the equestrian world.


She trailered four young horses that she’s been training since birth to the world’s horse show in Tulsa. She packed the trailer, unloaded the trailer, mucked the stalls, fed, and watered the horses twice a day. All while she was training each and warming them up during the show. Oh, and did I mention she showed all of them herself?


Many people competing brought grooms to handle the horses while they show. Holly was the groom, the trainer, and the handler. All at 22 years old. She’s a dang rock star.


She literally didn’t have time to eat. I would get her food and she often ate her meals while she was on a horse. That’s how you take first place and get the world championship trophy.


This gal has so much to teach not just about horses but about grit, hard work, determination, and passion. Talk about going for the gold. Now that’s how you get to be a world champion.


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