Personal Development
Creating a legacy for yourself
Are you stuck in Neutral in your life? Are you concerned with more than you can handle in your life? Overwhelmed, unmotivated, lack of purpose or unsure of what’s happening in your world?
Michele takes the trainings and strategies she uses in coaching and consulting executives and leaders in the corporate world and trains individuals on how to use those same powerful techniques to gain self-confidence, renewed energy and find purpose to live a more meaningful life
• Sharper mind
• Improved attention
• Improved problem solving skills
• Greater focus
• Faster and better decision making
• More time for self care
Self Guided Coaching Workbooks by Michele Burch Reid, MS
Tools to Help (Assessments)
DiSC helps you to better understand how you are naturally hard-wired through your personality Type. Enables your team to resolve conflict & communicate most effectively.
Values Assessment helps you to discover the underlying and hidden motivators that affect behavior. Hiring managers have found knowledge of a prospect’s Values Styles critical to hiring decisions.
The Behavioral Attitudes Index (BAI) measures your underlying passions and motivations within a specific environment. This knowledge helps you make more purposeful decisions and deliberate actions, versus reactions.
EQ-i 2.0 measures your emotional intelligence skills, our ability to know our emotions and others, to navigate situations on a healthy and positive way. This helps us to become more aware, make better choices, and be more purposeful in our leadership.
MBTI helps you to better understand your employees’ strengths, weaknesses, and the way they perceive and process information. This helps your team work more efficiently, with better communication, less conflict, and assembling teams based on strength.