Influencing – Inspiring – Impulsive
(Takes on Active Roles & is People-Oriented)


General Characteristics:
Enthusiastic, Trusting, Optimistic, Persuasive, Talkative, Impulsive, Emotional


  • Optimistic
  • Encouraging
  • Persuading
  • Entertaining

Blind Spots:

  • Lack of detail
  • Short attention span
  • Low follow through

Value To Team or Group:

  • Creative problem solver
  • Great encourager
  • Motivates others to achieve
  • Positive sense of humor
  • Negotiates conflicts
  • Peace-maker

Challenge Areas:

  • Inattentive to detail
  • More concerned with popularity than tangible results
  • Over uses gestures and facial expressions
  • Tends to listen only when they are interested

Greatest Fear:

DISC Enhancing Communication

The Primary “I” Loves it when you:

  • Give them opportunities to talk about their ideas, other people, and their emotions
  • Assist them in developing ways to transfer talk into action
  • Share your ideas and experiences with them
  • Recognize them for their accomplishments
  • Give them the opportunity to motivate & influence
  • Show them that you accept them
  • Explain the details but don’t dwell on them
  • Communicate with them in a friendly & light manner

But has difficulty understanding when you:

  • Do all the talking
  • Eliminate their social time
  • Ignore their ideas and accomplishments
  • Tell them what to do without asking their input
  • Give them the “detail” work


If you have not previously taken the DISC assessment or do not know your DiSC Personality Profile, you can take the assessment online at



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Grit and Success

I had the honor of witnessing grit, courage, passion, and leadership this week at the NSBA Worlds Horse Show. At 22 years old, Holly acts as the trainer, groomer, and handler for her four horses. This is a job for more than one person in the equestrian world.  ...

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