Caution. Vet your resources on personality type
Caution. Vet your resources when researching about personality type.
Being a master practitioner of the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), I am often searching for new research and articles about the MBTI and personality type. While searching online I am always astounded at the YouTube videos and articles written by people that do not really understand the MBTI. Many of them are Not even certified to administer or interpret the MBTI
It is important to know if the article you are reading is written by someone who is certified in the MBTI. This certification requires a master’s degree in psychology or a related field. Since the MBTI is a psychological instrument, it is restricted, and specific educational requirements are necessary before one can purchase and use the assessment to consult. The MBTI® Certification Program is designed to equip one with the essential information and experience needed to begin using the assessments. The program prepares you to professionally and ethically administer and interpret it through interactive and experiential learning methods.
Vet your authors. Like any kind of learning online, weed through the articles available to find the best resources, authors and reliable information. The MBTI can be a very valuable tool in understanding yourself and others. There is so much information on personality type and even more ways to apply it that can truly help to improve communication, relationships, leadership, teamwork, parenting, educational strategies, and so much more. Just be sure the information you’re learning is the right information.
To learn more about the Myers-Briggs or to attend a workshop, contact me at [email protected]. And of course, read through my articles.
About this author
Michele Burch Reid, MA, founder of LCI, is an Organizational Effectiveness & Personal Development Consultant and Coach. Michele has a master’s degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, as well as several certifications. She helps clients create overall satisfaction & potential by tapping into their natural strengths with Personality Type, Emotional Intelligence Training, Biofeedback & other Brain-based tools. Michele’s philosophy is that when you discover what inspires you, you can more easily inspire and lead others. Whether that is in the board room, the class room, or family room.
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