Extraverted Intuition (NE)
For example:
Rapid brainstorming. When our brain focuses on generating ideas without constraint to seek improvement on what is, it is exercising Ne function.
What to know about those that are hard-wired for Introverted Sensing
- Often has one’s antennae up for all manner of ideas, especially the newest
- May find it easy to shift thoughts from one idea to another
- May verbally outflow ideas and possibilities
- May continuously make remote associations between disparate topics
- One’s flexibility can seem like apathy and irresponsibility to others and a lack of commitment or compassion
- If inflated, may overwhelm others with verbosity —abundance, and speed of diverse ideas
What to know about training or educating those that are Introverted Sensing
- Like lots of stimulation
- Integrate information from a variety of sources
- Improvise rather than prepare extensively
- Be easily bored with details
- Need variety and change to keep their interest level high
- Resist structure and test rules or challenge authority
- Like to start things more than follow things through to completion
- Like to initiate new ideas and seek change, Think out loud
- Like group work…Want to discuss information
- Share and build on ideas
- Enjoy brainstorming and visioning
- Seek out different points of view
Famous NE Types
- Benjamin Franklin (ENTP) – inventor, writer, publisher, diplomat
- Steve Wozniak (ENTP) – co-founder of Apple Computer
- Bill Maher (ENTP) – political talk show host
- Tom Hanks (ENTP) – actor, movie producer
- Julian Assange (ENFP) – outspoken founder of Wiki Leaks
- Arianna Huffington (ENFP) – outspoken founder of Huffington Post
- Ellen DeGeneres (ENFP) – talk show host
- Rachel Maddow (ENFP) – talk show host
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