Extraverted Sensing (SE)
“What IS”
The function when we are focusing our attention on the real and present world, using our 5 senses.
For example:
Listening to a dog bark. When our brain focuses on the sound of the dog barking, it is exercising Se function.
What to know about those that are hard-wired for Extraverted Sensing
- Acquires information by experiencing the physical world in the present moment
- Requires awareness of the physical environment in detail
- Requires engaging what is in the environment in a physical way
- Continually shifts engagement as excitement level shifts
- Recalls in a spatial context
- Seeks immediate feedback and interaction
- Moves freely through the physical environment seeking sensory stimuli to understand and interact with the world.
- Is often the life of the party, brightening and livening nearly any gathering.
- Maybe resourceful and practical in a crisis.
- Spontaneously reads people and situations, quickly picking up on the tone of voice and facial expressions, and responds at the moment.
- Study effectively alone or in a small, familiar group
What to know about training or educating those that are  Extraverted Sensing
- Like to respond quickly without too much pondering
- Must be active, interesting, and applied to hold their attention
- Real-life examples help them to retain and understand
- Need to get up and move around in training
- Enjoy hands-on activities
- Memorize relevant facts and details
- Use colors, sounds, textures, and images to help them remember information
- Like variety and want to change learning activities frequently
- Be drawn to the most immediate task at hand
- Want to have fun and be playful
- Be entertaining and humorous
Famous SE Types
- Angelina Jolie (ESTP) Actress
- Madonna (ESTP) Singer, Entertainer
- Taylor Swift (ESTP) Singer-songwriter
- Bill Clinton (ESFP) U.S. President (D)
- Hugh Hefner (ESFP) Founder of Playboy Magazine
- Lady Gaga (ESFP) Singer-songwriter
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