Compliant – Correct – Cautious
(Takes on Passive Roles & is Task-Oriented)
General Characteristics:
Accurate, analytical, conscientious, careful, fact-finder, precise, high standards, systematic
- Accurate
- Planning
- Systems
- Orchestration
- Details
Blind Spots:
- Perfectionist
- Critical
- Unresponsive
Value To Team or Group:
- Perspective
- “The anchor of reality”
- Conscientious and even-tempered
- Thorough in all activities
- Defines situations
- Gathers, criticizes, and tests information
Challenge Areas:
- Needs clear-cut boundaries for actions/relationships
- Bound by procedures and methods
- Gets bogged down in details
- Prefers not to verbalize feelings
- Will give in rather than argue
Greatest Fear:
DISC Enhancing Communication
The Primary “C” Loves it when you:
- Support your ideas with accurate information
- Be specific when explaining yourself
- Be patient, persistent, and diplomatic while providing explanations
- Agree with facts rather than emotions when agreeing
- Allow them their space and independence
- Tell them upfront your expectations of them
- Give them the pros and cons
But has difficulty understanding when you:
- Refuse to explain the details
- Answer questions vaguely or casually
- Surprise them with new information
If you have not previously taken the DISC assessment or do not know your DiSC Personality Profile, you can take the assessment online at
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