How the high “S” works with . . .
High D:
During stressful times and conflict the High “S” might:
- View the High ”D” as argumentative, dictatorial, arrogant, domineering, nervous, and hasty
- Be intimidated by the “D”s confrontational approach
- Not get angry, but will get even
- Withdraw and slow down the action
To Have An Effective Relationship:
- Must have direct communication; deal with issues in a straightforward manner; negotiate commitments and goals on an equal basis
High I:
During stressful times and conflict the High “S” might:
- View the High “I” as egocentric, superficial, overly optimistic, glib, too self-assured, and inattentive
- On the surface, the relationship will look good
- Slow down the action and pace of High “I”
- High “S” protects his/her position
- Avoid taking a stand and confronting
To Have An Effective Relationship:
- Be friendly, complimentary, listen to ideas, and recognize High “I”s accomplishments
High S:
During stressful times and conflict the High “S” might:
- View another High “S” as dependable, self-controlled, patient, kind, accommodating, and attentive
- Be supportive to each other, but little will be accomplished
- Avoid confrontation and seldom disagree openly
- Set goals by external means to accomplish results
To Have An Effective Relationship:
- Move at a steady pace; express appreciation; establish a friendship with another High “S”
High C:
During stressful times and conflict the High “S” might:
- View the High “C” as overly dependent, evasive, defensive, too focused on details, and too cautious
- Be similar to the High “C” – does not hurry & is passive
- Be both reluctant to make decisions
- Translate the High “C” coolness as personal rejection
- Push to build a relationship
To Have An Effective Relationship:
- Present facts clearly and be well prepared for discussion. Remove any potential threats. Expect High “C” to express doubts and give them time to evaluate data before making a decision.
If you have not previously taken the DISC assessment or do not know your DiSC Personality Profile, you can take the assessment online at
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